College Medical Care
Family Practice & Walk-In Clinic

Meet our Nutritionist!
Ara Wiseman, RHN, ROHP/RNCP
Ara Wiseman is a leading plant-based nutritional expert, anti-aging specialist, author, teacher, and lecturer. Her private practice since 1998 is focused primarily on nutrition counseling for disease prevention and the management of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, irritable bowel, hormonal imbalances, and addictions.
Ara teaches nutrition at the Transformational Arts College and George Brown College in Toronto, and has published three books; Feed Your Body, Feed Your Soul (2010, Maiden Tree Media), The Healing Option (2016, Soul 7 Inc.), and A Smoother You (2016, Maiden Tree Media).
Ara provides OHIP Covered services to patients with a valid ontario health card. Patients must first consult with a physician in order to qualify for the services mentioned below. To book an appointment with one of our doctors please call us at 416 519 9086.

Congestive Heart Failure
Pre Diabetes
Smoking Cessation
For more information about my services please do not hesitate to contact our staff and they will get back to you shortly. You may also visit me at:
Ara Wiseman: Nutrition & Healing